कुछ मेरे लफ्ज़….
Roads of cobblestone
Those roads of cobblestone
May be I will never walk again…
Those silent nights and shivering cold
May be I will never feel again…
Those crooked eyes and empty souls
I’ll probably never see again….
Those lies and hearts of stone
May be I will never believe again..
Still, life goes on…just like a bird
That wants to be free again…
That wants to live again….
By Alok Ratnaparkhi

आठवणींच्या हया बागेत फिरताना….
वाटा बदलल्या ह्रितु बदलले
परंतु आठवणींच्या हया बागेत फिरताना
मन हे परत हरपले
ती स्वप्नान्तर ची कोवळी पाहट
ती गजबजलेली सन्ध्या
ते कधी लागलेले सुर
ते कधी गायलेले राग
आजही भौर्या सारखे फिरते मन
त्या एके काळच्या वैकुण्ठात….
— By Alok Ratnaparkhi

जो सागर तुझ्यात आहे….
शब्द जरी तू मिटवू शकशील पाण्यातल्या लहरी प्रमाणे…
पण कशे मिटावशील भावना हृदयातल्या..
जो सागर तुझ्यात आहे
— By Alok Ratnaparkhi
अकेला फ़क़ीर….
दुनिया कहे मुझे पागल, कहे मुझे अकेला फ़क़ीर
वो क्या जाने इस दुनिया को क्यों गाती थी भजन मीरां
किस रस में झूमे थे कबीर ||
— By Alok Ratnaparkhi

In the end….
In the end, the bad thing is, you are all alone in this vast world.. But, the good thing is, you are all alone in this vast world.. — Alok Ratnaparkhi

Hey Morning star….
Hey morning star,
I remembered you today. It’s been a long time. I hope you are doing fine. I remembered how my sleepless nights used to welcome you warmly. I also remembered how the breeze of morning cold used to touch my bare skin, to sooth my weathered veins. It used to say to me, one day everything will be fine. I remembered the sprinkle of joy I had everyday in meeting my only friend, the first ray of sunlight. I remembered all those early morning tears, cups of tea and the smell of cinnamon which were the only constants of my life.
May be we will not meet again, but I want to thank you for the beautiful journey both of us had. I am doing good and I have come so far. I am still going far…but my memories will always find you in solitude, just like a small kids find their mom.
Take care my friend, Never loose your shine..
— By Alok Ratnaparkhi